For each costume it will consist of a solid head made of cardboard/wire and a long fabric body that I hope will reach the floor of the exhibition, but I still need to think what I want the costume to look like, and what atmosphere I would like to create with my work and within the exhibition.

For each costume I wanted to try and include different elements, whether it be different materials or printing techniques. This is to create interesting layers within the costume and to push myself and my abilities.

I am almost certain at this point that I want to incorporate print making with my costume, and I like the effect that gum arabic creates, a kind of murky and moody image. Throughout most of my designs I want to juxtapose either different printing techniques or different themes, for example on the second image down on the right I like the idea of having the outside of the bear screen printed/ wood cut printed in browns and blacks, layered on top of each other, and then on the inside of the costume contrast this with bright digitally printed fabric.

I also think it could be interesting to have leaves and forest-y things printed on the outside of the outside of the costume with night time (stars/moons etc) on the inside, as well as contrasting brightly coloured prints with natural materials such as wood, straw and foliage.

As much as I like the overall ideas and variations that I have come up with, I don't think any of these costume designs represent the kind of mood I want to create with the costume, and I don't think any of these show the darker side of the story that I want to explore. Mostly I think these designs are too gaudy looking, but I think this is mainly due to colour. I think if I stick to a more subdued and limited colour palette (such as greys, blacks, dark blues and forest greens).

One thing I think is really interesting about the design of the costume is how it will hang in the exhibition space, and it will almost become an enclosed are where you can stand/sit. Originally I wanted sound playing within the costume, but this is something that might have to wait until the preparation of the exhibition and not be ready for the deadline. I also like the idea that the costume becomes this performance space, like a tent or a mini theatre- which also emphasises the storytelling theme of my project.

After talking to Mark about printing fabric, specifically I wanted to know how big the textile screens are as I considered printing an all over pattern the fabric, he suggested that making separate patches could be easier to print. Combining a few of the ideas I had already had, such as a ruff (to show that it is a dancing bear) and having different themed illustrations on the inside compared to the outside,  here is my final thumbnail of what kind of costume I would like to make:


- Solid structure. Currently thinking of using cardboard/ModRoc as the base.
-Use a towel type fabric to cover the head. might also use some organic materials such as straw/wood and paint over it.
- To create different patterns I want to use thread covered rope to make different shapes/highlight areas on the face.
- ModRoc/ Button teeth?
-Brown or black in colour


-White fabric/lace ruff- try and find a DIY. The ruff I will probably leave until last as it is not the most essential part of the costume so I could do without it if I run out of time.


-Using a thin cotton, print different panels to create a large patchwork style body.
- The outside will be in blues and greens and consist of different prints: mainly screen prints, gum arabic, woodcut and also digital print. The illustrations for the outside of the body will be of humans and they're activities/ objects/ stories.
- The inside will be different reds and will feature the same print methods but also with some woven segments. The illustrations for the inside of the body will be of animals and plants of the forest.
- When displayed in the exhibition have the body drawn out like a tent- so people can stand inside/ read a story/ listen to audio etc.
- Depending on time some of the patches may be embroidered.


- If there is time and I have discovered that I can weave with ease (!) woven pieces sewn together to create the arms. Claws will be added on the ends.

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