Whether I create a cardboard head or wire frame head for the final costume I still need to consider what I will quote it with in order to give it a smooth surface to either cover with further fabric or paint over the top. 

I think it's also important to relate my structure back to my illustrations, and I think the papiermache heads by Abigail Brown, below, have such a distinctive style that shows her type of work. The heads she makes are simple yet engaging, and also sometimes slightly eery. 

[a] Abigail Brown

[b] Abigail Brown

[c] Abigail Brown

Seeing masks worn in context also helps create that creepy atmosphere, especially worn by children as depicted below- these masks are by Isabelle Thibeault and have a very Wicker Man esque feeling to them. I especially like the combination of the birds and cat- there is something quite sinister about it! 

[d] Isabelle Thibeault

Emily Warren also specialises in animal wall hangings, and I was drawn to this bear for obvious reasons! I think she's made it look very expressive, and this is something that I think can be easily created with papier mache, as it can be sculpted and smoothes into different shapes and forms with relative ease.

[e] Emily Warren

I think whether I use cardboard or another base material for my costume head I will definitely consider using papier mache to cover it as it is versatile, cheap and easy to paint on. I also think it perfectly captures that 'handmade' look I am aiming for. 


[a] BROWN, ABIGAIL- 2017
[b] BROWN, ABIGAIL- 2017
[c] BROWN, ABIGAIL- 2017
[e] WARREN, EMILY- 2015

Brown, A. 2017. Squirrel Monkey. [Online]. [Date Accessed 10 Dec 2017]. Available from:

Brown, A. 2017. Polar Bear. [Online]. [Date Accessed 10 Dec 2017]. Available from:

Brown, A. 2017. Large Flying Fox [Online]. [Date Accessed 10 Dec 2017]. Available from:

Thibeault, I. 2009. Promenade Masquee. 28 Oct 2009. Les Sculptures en Papier. [Online]. Available from:

Warren, Emily. 2015. N/A. 23 Mar 2015. The Stealthy Rabbit. [Online]. Available from:

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