After gum arabic printing I was left with the images I had used to print onto fabric. Where I had applied the ink and wiped it off the paper had been dyed grey, and I decided to work back into these using white pen:

With the bear above I could add narrative into the image by adding a body in the bottom corner. This creates both mystery and suggests a melancholy theme for the body of work.

Using the pen also allowed me to add detail and shadow into the images- again creating a dark and moody look, but it also meant I could add decorative pattern that runs throughout all my illustration- therefore creating a cohesive style between the different print mediums.

I especially like the faces that I went back to draw over, as I could emphasise features, add narrative elements such as tears, and I think they look particularly striking against a white background.

With these illustrations I got some printed onto fabric digitally and also experimented with them for a book to possible go along side the costume. As well as this I revisited an early experiment where I made a bear head out of paper based on a cut out from a 1992 Kellogs box, this time using my textures and brushes I have made as well as these images.

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